Friday, December 25, 2009

7 Reasons to Give Thanks on Christmas

Christmas is a great way to close the year. Thinking of how God sent Jesus to change the world and bring peace to hearts and minds. I have spent the year focusing on reasons to be thankful. It reminds me that my good time far outweigh the challenging times. What are you thankful for? Here are my seven things that inspired me during 2009.

1. I am thankful for God's word which has been a light in darkness.

2. My wife son and daughter are my greatest supporters

3. Each day I live is a chance for 1% improvement or 365% in one year.

4. I learned from my mistakes and I challenged myself to do something new

5. I had an opportunity top help hundreds of students and parents

6. All of the contacts I have made throughout the various social networks are so sincere about helping students to achieve their dreams

7. Working at Villanova University inspires me to help students to reach their career goals

I look forward to hearing from you. Tell me about your goals for 2010? How I can help?

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